That’s right, folks — today’s the day! No matter if you believe in heaven or hell, angels or ghosts, the power of love or the power of material things… for several thousand years, **TODAY** has been marked as the End… Read more ›
For the past several months we’ve been singing “The Doxology” at the end of each church service. For some reason it reminds me of the pledge of allegiance and summer evenings and cut grass and Easter dresses. And every time… Read more ›
As I noted at the end of my dream, the same man from my dream about counseling with discarnates continues to appear in similar situations. Clearly he’s trying to help me however possible. In this dream, my initial goal was… Read more ›
Bear with me, I wanna share another really cool, vivid dream from last week.So many layers of meaning… if only I could nail down a couple of them! Feel free to jump in with your thoughts… I am standing uphill… Read more ›
The night after I scheduled my theta healing session, I had the most amazing dream. What made it even more remarkable is that I remembered it upon waking, and managed to write it out in vivid (for me) detail… Rather… Read more ›
I had the following message this morning: “By using love instead of control one can unite the world, starting with yourself & treating others patiently & gently as Christ did. Swindling your gifts is an affront to God by denying… Read more ›
You know that ol’ story about God talking to Moses from a burning bush? That conversation wasn’t the turning point that set Moses’ life spinning… but it sure didn’t help matters any. The man was raised by the Pharaoh’s daughter!… Read more ›
“… A fundamental aspect of [Jesus’] teaching was that you don’t need to go to the temple or church — because he/she won’t hear you — because where you are heard is in the most inner part. When you speak… Read more ›
My current favorite band is Mumford & Sons… I’m doing my best to share them with a couple of my all-time favorite peeps, every chance I get. And my all-time best, most introspective of their songs is “Roll Away Your… Read more ›
Just before Christmas our adult Sunday School class was discussing the Gospel of John. The discussion leader mentioned something that’s been on my mind ever since. His example, from the beginning of the Gospel: The Deity of Jesus Christ (John… Read more ›
I love my cards. The pictures, and the sudden flashes of understanding and intuition. More ah-ha! moments would be nice, of course… but that will come with time and practice and experience. I’ll get there. So, why does it feel… Read more ›
A friend encouraged me to watch Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (2007) recently. I added it to my Netflix queue and forgot about it, but when I noticed it playing on TV, I DVR’d it for a rainy day movie. Not… Read more ›
If a tarot reader wants to take money from unsuspecting victims, he or she can do that by saying whatever they think will serve their purpose. That’s one way the cards developed such a bad rap. If a mega-church pastor… Read more ›
I know this is way out off base from my usual topic, but, seeing as I used to be obsessed with being an astronaut when I grew up (all the way until I took my first physics class in college… Read more ›
As most of you have certainly figured out by now, I’ve recently found myself on a path of self-reflection and spiritual discovery. It’s a fragile spot to be in, but it’s something I need to work through. So, thank you… Read more ›