my moon, my now
The Moon card has been popping up for me everywhere these past few days. What on Earth (haHa!) is it trying to tell me?
knight of swords // 9 of cups // the hanged man XII
Deck: Tarot of the Magical Forest
The knight in this card is running off to the left, his sword raised and eyes front and center without considering anything (or anyone) else. It’s as if he’s running away, back to the past… of creative writing? The rabbit in the 9C card and the Hanged Man’s bat both stare at me, unflinching, accepting of the truth… They remind me of the happiness in solitude, a peaceful place where I stand just outside the hectic stream of life. I watch and discover, committed to my study.
These cards emphasize emotions and advise me to slow down a bit. I’ll find what I’m looking for if I stop racing along at breakneck speed, stop poking at my creative writing and embrace the time off… and of course continue my search within.
I’m on the right path. I know I am.
I’ve a long way to go. I’m sure I’ll never finish… but I’m good right now. The cards all seem to be telling me this, but because the message seems so urgent, I feel I’m missing something. Something BIG.
But it’ll come to me with time. It always does.