summer in SC

The past few months — since January, really — have been pretty rough.

  • From taking on h.s. thesis & homework oversight, to
  • Grinding through an intensive revision course (Holly Lisle’s How to Revise Your Novel course [affiliate link]), to
  • Discovering two months of hard work have been an outright lie, to
  • Re-vamping the back porch, deck, and yard, to
  • Visiting family court for a fresh take on Jerry Springer’s talent pool, to
  • Continuing to push through the HTRYN course, to
  • Refinishing and refurnishing the FROG to a room that the 13yo actually wants to hang out in, to
  • Maintaining exercise routine of 15-20 mi per week (yeah, thats MILES, not minutes!) on the elliptical (woohoo, go me!), to
  • Barely surviving the summer deadline rush, to
  • Trying to remind myself that there are worse things in the world then drugs, sex, and high school drop-out-ism (though, short of a visit from the Grim Reaper, I’m hard pressed to come up with it and so any tales of misery and woe — again, minus anything related to death — may prove helpful), to
  • Starting THE CUT on the revision course, to
  • Gearing up to head back into the second wave of said deadline rush…

Yup. This blog isn’t quite at the top of my list.

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